Don't be a Grinch about Weddings

As a Christian, I expect to get married in the nearer future.  On the other hand, as a man, I cringe just thinking in all the comes-and-goes of the “getting married” part. Let me explain myself (and please read this fast-paced. It’s awesome.):

I personally believe that weddings are considered the bride’s day; a day when they can explore the bottom of their ’Disney- and-preteens-novels’ molded minds, to take out the craziest and more vain ideas of how to create the “perfect” wedding (an event which is sponsored by an acceptance-craving mother In which she wants to show her friends and ‘frenemies’ how awesome her daughter’s wedding was); in which she will be consumed by PTSD, rage attacks, anxiety, close-to-homeless economical deficit and even premarital divorce, thanks to a 4 to 5 hours event, in which you just need to get a gold ring in your finger and get God’s and the community’s blessing.

Phew…That was too much. (Maybe, because of this kind of reactions, it is why I’m still single... sob, sob.)

But deep in my soul, I remembered several stories of the Bible, concerning our Lord Jesus and weddings. For example: You have Cana, where Jesus uncorked the floods of wine Heaven; you have the King and those he invited from the road to his son’s wedding; you have the 10 virgins and their lamps, you have the Bride’s reference as the Church, and you have the Ultimate Par-tay in Heavens in the Weddings of the Lamb.

Jesus himself is preparing us room for that wedding. He is involved with everything he has. He is working toward our sanctification so we get there with that sparkling white in our dress. We, men, need to understand, that we are part of the Bride. We are that Bride He gave his life for. We are worthy a wedding to be closer to Him finally and forevermore.

Why God wanted to compare marriage and the relationship of Jesus and the Church? Because, there is no other more intimate human relationship. Because redemption, grace and unconditional love have been intertwined into marriage since Adam and Eve.  Because there is no other greater pleasure given on earth, than a relationship between a husband and his wife.

Jesus Christ, as the husband, is expecting us. He is thrilling in expectation at the arrival of the Bride. I believe that we, macho and tough guys, we should share the same expectations, share the thrill, share the emotions, share the happiness of our wives, as we reflect the same joy Jesus have while we celebrate the shadow of the real deal. That’s the outcome: our weddings are the reflection of that Wedding, the Final Day. So let’s par-tay at that preview and enjoy the happiness and Disney-like joy of your princess, now your queen.


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