When You have To Decide: The Aftermath I
night, I dated Shorty. We went to the Zona
Colonial to listen to jazz. It was an awkward night. We avoided eye
contact, physical touch and every flirty interaction between both. Remember
that I said she was the one I WANTED
to invest my time and affections in?
We went to eat
something after the music. And there we were able to talk and to clear the
space. What started as a flirty and steamy start via Whatsapp became the soggiest,
quirky and lame night for both of us. We came to a mutual conclusion: There was
no spark between us.
I believe
in the chemistry between couples as I believe in the Holy Spirit inside of me: It’s freaking REAL. It is something you
cannot deny! It is the single topic I do believe secular romantic and sensual
songs agree with the reality of love. You cannot fake it, you cannot light it yourself,
and it flows naturally between a man and a woman that likes each other. Bible don’t
of Solomon 2:7: Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and wild
deer, not to awaken love until the time is right.
That being said, the situation leads me to another and the greatest
reality. I told you last post that I was literally fighting against God, because
I felt (still feel) like He was forcing me to actually fix my eyes in the other
girl (and He is still doing it). I came to this other conclusion:
God’s will is STRONGER than
any human dream, effort and desire ever conceived. It crushes determinations.
It molds the circumstances of the world. It changes the roots of the human
nature to transform it to the Image of the Creator. The will of God is STRONGER
than life itself.
Like the life of Hazael, the man who never thought would become the king
of Syria; our lives can be changed and directed by God’s purpose.
That’s why I’m single: because God wanted me to be. Let’s see what is
going on in the future. In the meanwhile, I have to stop fighting and start
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